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Featured on Motorhead Garage, Heat Sheets is a lightweight aluminum heat shielding material designed to protect any heat sensitive areas on a vehicle or machinery. The innovative heat shielding design allows for higher top speeds, improved mileage, and enhanced overall performance of your car or machine.

Common Uses

street rods

Street Rods

Muscle Car Engine

Muscle Cars



Race Cars

off road vehicles

Off Road Vehicles





farm equipment

Farm Equipment

Car Engine Exhaust Header

Exhaust Heat Shield

fuel line heat shield

Fuel Line Heat Shield

snowmobile heat shielding

Other Heat Shield Applications

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10 Heat Sheets


Heat Sheets is an aluminum heat shielding material designed to protect heat sensitive areas such as fuel pumps, fuel lines, electrical and even the passenger cabin. It is designed to work with Intakes, Turbos, Exhaust or any other high heat applications. Heat Sheets can be cut, bent and molded to almost any form. It fastens to any solid mounting point for protection up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit.

– Sheets are 12″ x 24″
– Corrugated aluminum
– Shipping & handling applies

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Heat Sheets is an aluminum heat shielding material designed to protect heat sensitive areas such as fuel pumps, fuel lines, electrical and even the passenger cabin. It is designed to work with Intakes, Turbos, Exhaust or any other high heat applications. Heat Sheets can be cut, bent and molded to almost any form. It fastens to any solid mounting point for protection up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit.

– Sheets are 12″ x 24″
– Corrugated aluminum
– Shipping & handling applies

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